Question & answer with virtual assistant Marvin Macatol

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jomar Hilario had organized a Virtual Assistant Work From Home Online Question & Answer (Q&A) session last April 19, 2011 with a special guest Marvin Macatol. The Online Q&A is part of the on-going support Jomar is providing to existing and up coming Filipino virtual assistants. To find out more about Jomar Hilario and training opportunities click here

Marvin Macatol is a new virtual assistant with fairly good wealth of experience already. He shared with us how he started as a virtual assistant, his experiences and how his VA life looks like. According to Marvin, he started out his journey as a VA by attending Jomar Hilario's work from home as a virtual assistant seminar on November 2010. Then he worked hard, completed all the assignments and applied everything that was was taught in the seminar. Check out Marvin's final assignments in his blog,

4 months later, Marvin was successful in getting his first "gig". Now he has 2 "gigs", working 60 hours per week from home and quite happy and satisfied with his earnings. He has more time now at home with his kids! He shared many good points and I'll share those that really impressed upon me.

Daily Affirmations

Marvin makes it his daily morning habit to recite positive affirmations to himself. Daily affirmations help him to focus on the positive thoughts upon which he can dwell, inspire him and make him feel better about himself. He also feels being supported by God.

Keep on Posting

A virtual assistant needs to write a blog and to keep on blogging. You need to publish a lot online to prove your worth, establish your credibility and increase your presence and visibility online.

Demonstrate Your Skills to Clients

To be a successful VA, you need to demonstrate your varied skills to future employers. One way of doing this is to take as many certification tests as possible especially those that apply to your skills areas in Odesk and Brainbench. You  need to get "certified" of your skills.  Do you want your profile to stand out from others? Here is the secret.  Aim to get higher scores in those tests! A virtual assistant with varied skills and higher qualifications will  rank first and immediately get noticed by potential clients.

Increase Your Knowledge

It is also important to increase our knowledge-base by attending seminars, self-study, and read books. Find a mentor. Ask questions. Show what you've got. Demonstrate excellence in everything that you do; do not slacken up.

Other Pointers Marvin Gave:

1. Be happy. Make yourself feel good
2. Be prepared emotionally and personally
3. Read job description well in advance
3. Practice conversational ethics (let them speak first before you answer, answer in short manner as possible)
4. Dress-up (even if it's online interview). This has positive psychological benefit.

Marvin's success story as virtual assistant is very inspiring. His is the case of someone who had a definite purpose in mind and took ACTION. He did not dilly dally. Vince Lombarde is right when he said, "The difference between successful person and others is not the lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will."

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