HRH Prince William and Princess Katherine Congratulations and Best Wishes

Friday, April 29, 2011
30 years ago, the world witnessed the fairy tale Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana. Today, April 28, 2011 another milestone in the world history is made. This date will always be remembered because today is the wedding day of HRH Prince William and Princess Catherine 11:00AM (London Time) at Westminster Abbey. Prince William of Wales is conferred a title of Dukedom by Queen Elizabeth II. His titles are The Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus.  Princess Catherine is also conferred a title of The Duchess of Cambridge by the Queen.  The couple is the future King and Queen of England. 1900 people were present in Westminster Abbey and 600 persons were specially selected to the reception in Buckingham Palace hosted by Queen Elizabeth.  For more stories of the Royal Wedding and to find out more about the work of the Royal Family, visit these websites: http://www.officialroyalwedding2011.org

The church ceremony lasted only for 1 hour. It was very organized and solemn. Everything was excellent and executed according to British way. Princess Catherine looks stunningly beautiful and very regal in every way. The noise of cheering from the crowd was incredible. The much-awaited Royal Kiss was short yet passionate especially the second Royal Kiss. Now Prince William and Kate Middleton are married! Officially!

Congratulations and best wishes Prince William and Princess Catherine. God bless your marriage and may you live happily ever after.

Question & answer with virtual assistant Marvin Macatol

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Jomar Hilario had organized a Virtual Assistant Work From Home Online Question & Answer (Q&A) session last April 19, 2011 with a special guest Marvin Macatol. The Online Q&A is part of the on-going support Jomar is providing to existing and up coming Filipino virtual assistants. To find out more about Jomar Hilario and training opportunities click here

Marvin Macatol is a new virtual assistant with fairly good wealth of experience already. He shared with us how he started as a virtual assistant, his experiences and how his VA life looks like. According to Marvin, he started out his journey as a VA by attending Jomar Hilario's work from home as a virtual assistant seminar on November 2010. Then he worked hard, completed all the assignments and applied everything that was was taught in the seminar. Check out Marvin's final assignments in his blog,

4 months later, Marvin was successful in getting his first "gig". Now he has 2 "gigs", working 60 hours per week from home and quite happy and satisfied with his earnings. He has more time now at home with his kids! He shared many good points and I'll share those that really impressed upon me.

Daily Affirmations

Marvin makes it his daily morning habit to recite positive affirmations to himself. Daily affirmations help him to focus on the positive thoughts upon which he can dwell, inspire him and make him feel better about himself. He also feels being supported by God.

Keep on Posting

A virtual assistant needs to write a blog and to keep on blogging. You need to publish a lot online to prove your worth, establish your credibility and increase your presence and visibility online.

Demonstrate Your Skills to Clients

To be a successful VA, you need to demonstrate your varied skills to future employers. One way of doing this is to take as many certification tests as possible especially those that apply to your skills areas in Odesk and Brainbench. You  need to get "certified" of your skills.  Do you want your profile to stand out from others? Here is the secret.  Aim to get higher scores in those tests! A virtual assistant with varied skills and higher qualifications will  rank first and immediately get noticed by potential clients.

Increase Your Knowledge

It is also important to increase our knowledge-base by attending seminars, self-study, and read books. Find a mentor. Ask questions. Show what you've got. Demonstrate excellence in everything that you do; do not slacken up.

Other Pointers Marvin Gave:

1. Be happy. Make yourself feel good
2. Be prepared emotionally and personally
3. Read job description well in advance
3. Practice conversational ethics (let them speak first before you answer, answer in short manner as possible)
4. Dress-up (even if it's online interview). This has positive psychological benefit.

Marvin's success story as virtual assistant is very inspiring. His is the case of someone who had a definite purpose in mind and took ACTION. He did not dilly dally. Vince Lombarde is right when he said, "The difference between successful person and others is not the lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will."

8 Reasons Why I Want to Work as a Virtual Assistant

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A few years back but not until last year I began to explore seriously new ways of money making opportunities in the internet. I came across so many online money making ideas in the internet, and I actually tried some of them like pay per click and affiliate marketing. There are also plenty out there that offer get rich quick schemes and outright scams! At some point, I was also a victim of that! So please be aware of that.

However, one legitimate way to make money online that is increasingly becoming popular is to work as a Virtual Assistant or VA. I've heard of this virtual assistant opportunity only in January 2011 and it sufficiently piqued my interest. When I saw an advert about "How to Work from Home as a Virtual Assistant Seminar" by Jomar Hilario I signed up right away without hesitation.  I knew then it's the right option for me, and after the seminar, my resolve to be a virtual assistant was even bolstered.

Virtual Assistant

You might be wondering what a Virtual Assistant is. A VA is a person who works remotely (via internet, telephone, fax) as an independent contractor and provides services to a client for a pre-determined price. The services a VA could provide vary; it could be professional, managerial, administrative, technical, creative and others. A VA can work for an individual client or organization/company.

You may click here for more information about Virtual Assistant and seminar opportunities by Jomar Hilario and how you can be a VA also

My Reasons

Here are the top 8 reasons, in no particular order, why I want to work as Virtual Assistant. As of now, I only want to work part-time as a VA, since I have my regular 8-hour job.

1. Place Freedom.  As a VA, I have the ability to work from the comfort of my home or any place I choose actually. I do not need to come to work or office everyday. I can do my work in any place I choose to.

2. Time Freedom.  Since I do not need to come to work or report to office Monday to Friday, I have the freedom to set my own working time — when I want to work and for how long do I want to work. And I can tell my client that!

3. Freedom to Choose Work That Meets My Personal Needs. Not only being a VA gives me flexibility to work on my own time and place, it also gives me the ability to choose the kind of work that suits my preferences (kind of work, level of effort, etc), working style and temperament. It allows me to work within the bounds of my personal circumstances.

4. Opportunity to be more Entrepreneurial. When you work as a VA, you work as an independent contractor, or self-entrepreneur. It helps to develop and train an entrepreneurial mindset, attitude and aptitude in me. For instance, I need to identify and define what services to offer, find a client, apply for a “gig”, negotiate with a client, etc. On top of that, it puts me in control to set my own price (although honestly I find this not easy to do, at least for now). All these help to develop in me the mindset of an entrepreneur!

5. Ability to Scale Up my Work. Being a VA, it gives me flexibility to take on as many projects or clients as I can handle. I can start with simple, administrative tasks, and gradually scale up as I progress. For now I am happy to take on simple projects as I am still trying to get my footing. And hopefully, when I get constant stream of projects in the future, I will also have the freedom to accept or refuse a particular project or client, depending on my personal circumstances.

6. Opportunity to Learn and Develop New Skills. In the current marketplace where competition is much fiercer than before, one needs to be strongly competitive to be successful. I am not a very techie person (neither an idiot too, hehe but being a VA, it gives me a lot of opportunity to learn entirely new computer skills. In fact in recent weeks, I’ve learned new computer programs/tools that I can apply in my VA work. I’ve learned how to blog too!  Isn’t that great?

7. Be My Own Boss. Not only being a VA gives me time, place and work freedom, it also lets me to be my own boss. And I love that idea! I hope I will achieve this in no short time. Of course, I still have to work with my clients and be accountable to them, but after the project I will have the freedom to decide if I want to continue to work with him or not. I have the freedom to refuse a client as much as a client has freedom to refuse me.

8. Additional Income. On top of the benefits I mentioned above, yes, doing Virtual Assistant work can give me extra income. It is a good supplement to my income from the regular 8-hour job. And I plan to use this extra income into more productive economic ventures. In fact, if being a VA will greatly click for me, I might even decide to give up my 8-hour job and work as a full-time VA. Hmmm.

I know the road to VA success is not going to be easy. Thanks to the training I received last January from Jomar Hilario. That I believe gave me an edge over others already. I am no quitter, and I am ready for the challenge!

100% FREE Multilevel Marketing Opportunity

Thursday, April 7, 2011

There is a site I recently came across with that offers 100% FREE internet money making opportunity via Multilevel Marketing (MLM). This site is I don't know how familiar you are with multi-level marketing. In my case, I've tried a few MLM opportunities before, but 0MLM is kinda different.

0MLM is an interesting new company that's changing the traditional multilevel marketing model. In general, multilevel marketing companies work this way: a person signs up to be an associate, pays the membership/entrace fee, and get products to sell to others. You make money by selling the products to others and also by sponsoring others to join the company. On top of that, you also earn percentage of sales commissions your associates sell.

In the case of 0MLM, membership is entirely 100% FREE, No Upgrades, Zero Risk, No Selling Skills and No Web Skills Required! The company is partnering with five different sites now. When you sign up, you get five money making websites from which to sell five different themes of digital products which include: entertainment, dating, finance, gaming and literature. These websites are loaded with domains and hosting included at zero cost to you. Your responsibility is simply to promote those five sites. Click here for details:

By the way, 0MLM is yet in pre-launch status. Launching date is 4th July 2011.

How Will You Make Money?

According to, associates can make money online in three ways:

1. Pay per click advertising
2. Commissions from the sale of digital products
3. Affiliate links

I checked the reviews in Google, and got fairly positive reviews. You can do your due diligence also. Click here to jump start your Internet success:, a free URL Shortening Service

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 is a free URL shortening service. A long URL is cumbersome to write and always not easy to remember. It's even more a headache to you if you have to type in a a long URL and the space is too short and not enough for you. Now you don't have to worry about that.  You can use the to shorten your URLs and links. is a free URL shortening service with a twist - the only shortening service that pays you. Sounds too good to be true? Well, yes it is. It works like this: If you use to shorten your URLs or links, will pay you for each visitor that check your shortened links. So why don't you shorten your URLs now with It's very convenient and saves you a lot of time!

Shorten your URLs now. Click here now to create your FREE account: - shorten links and earn money!

Job Seekers Guide for Any Type of Job Market

Are you jobless and currently actively looking for a job? Or planning to shift into another job in another industry soon? Whatever your circumstances right now, this simple, practical A Job Seekers Guide, is a  good resource for you! I've found this guide, and has been personally useful for me and so would like to share with you.

A Job Seekers Guide will provide you  the "how to" conduct a successful campaign in any type of job market. Whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned candidate, this guide provides you with the what, how and why to help you design a successful action plan.

You can check the details here: Click Here!

I wish you all the best in your job-hunting. Try this guide. Grab your copy now:

ODesk - On Demand Global Workforce

Friday, April 1, 2011

The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

Odesk is a global marketplace for employers to hire, manage and pay remote workers. Odesk is a great place also for independent contractors and job-seekers to find jobs there. I have created an account in Odesk recently, but I have not found nor applied for any jobs yet. Maybe soon.

Dropbox - Online File Sharing, Syncing and Back-up

Dropbox is the last program (at least for now) I am going to share with you. Dropbox is a very innovative software that provides online file sharing, automatic syncing and online back-up. It is like a magic pocket for all your important files. What's great about Dropbox is that your files are available not only in the Dropbox folder in your computer but also in the Dropbox website. So even if your computer will crash, you are assured you still have your files in Dropbox website. Cool, right? It actually makes the use of USB and files emailing (for back-up) obsolete!  It will really save you a lot of time and also improve your organizational skills.

Dropbox has both a free and paid version. In my case, I am using the free version, and it has made my life much easier. When you open an account with DropBox, you get 2GB free and you can upgrade anytime. You can get your free account click here:

I also put together a simple guide to help you get started.
How to Use Dropbox

Intuit Billing Manager

Intuit Billing Manager is a web-based software that helps you create professional-looking invoices. It's designed especially for small business owners. If you are working with clients, contractors and others, Billing Manager might be a perfect tool for you. Its basic functionality will help you to manage your clients in a professional way and collect payments  from them faster.  I have tried to use the free version of Billing Manager and I am quite satisfied with the results!
How to Use Intuit Billing Manager

Chitika CLU