Best Business and Personal Development Books to Read (Part 2)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
This is a sequel to my previous post about best business and personal development books I've read. I consider these books very precious and empowering that is why I am sharing it with you. They have made a significant impact on me and I encourage you to try to read them too.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is an international bestseller and one of the longest best sellers in New York Times history. I was stunned by many of the statements and principles explained in the book the first time I read it. It is the best financial education book I've read and that every one should also read especially those who desire to create wealth and achieve financial freedom. After reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, I have become an avid supporter of Robert Kiyosakiand have bought and read many of his books. I have really profited from his instructions and has helped me increased my financial understanding.
How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie published in 1936. This is one of the best self-help classic books I've read. This was written during the Great Depression and was primarily intended for sales people. However, the principles outlined in the book is just as useful today. The advices are sound, but are not always easy to do. The application of the advices is always a challenge. Personally, I am not good at making instant friends. Some people look at me as a bit "snobbish", but I am a down to earth person in reality. By being conscious about it and constantly applying the principles in the book, I am gaining more and more friends which help me in my personal and professional activities.
The Go Getter by Peter Kyne was written in the 1920s but the business principles contained in the book are never outdated. It is a very short book and very easy to read. The story of a war veteran is very inspiring. The lessons will stay with you, inspire you and will help you to succeed at anything you set your hands to do. It is a must read for today's sales professionals and entrepreneurs.
As John Ruskin said, "A book worth reading is worth buying." So please check them out and may these books help and inspire you as much as it has inspired me. Please feel free to share your learning, experiences and successes. :)
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