There is a site I recently came across with that offers 100% FREE internet money making opportunity via Multilevel Marketing (MLM). This site is I don't know how familiar you are with multi-level marketing. In my case, I've tried a few MLM opportunities before, but 0MLM is kinda different.
0MLM is an interesting new company that's changing the traditional multilevel marketing model. In general, multilevel marketing companies work this way: a person signs up to be an associate, pays the membership/entrace fee, and get products to sell to others. You make money by selling the products to others and also by sponsoring others to join the company. On top of that, you also earn percentage of sales commissions your associates sell.
In the case of 0MLM, membership is entirely 100% FREE, No Upgrades, Zero Risk, No Selling Skills and No Web Skills Required! The company is partnering with five different sites now. When you sign up, you get five money making websites from which to sell five different themes of digital products which include: entertainment, dating, finance, gaming and literature. These websites are loaded with domains and hosting included at zero cost to you. Your responsibility is simply to promote those five sites. Click here for details:
By the way, 0MLM is yet in pre-launch status. Launching date is 4th July 2011.
How Will You Make Money?
According to, associates can make money online in three ways:
1. Pay per click advertising
2. Commissions from the sale of digital products
3. Affiliate links
I checked the reviews in Google, and got fairly positive reviews. You can do your due diligence also. Click here to jump start your Internet success:
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